Thursday, December 29, 2011

Perpetual Motion Machines

Here's my column on the delaying tactics of the Foundation for Economic Freedom on the ERC proceedings on the feed-in-tariffs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello,
    one can completely agree with you on the necessity for the renewables and at the same time question the numbers behind the FIT. Lobbyist are found everywhere and the RE players are far from being small fishes if you look at them carefully.
    Additionally, FIT are currently questionned in Europe because some of them (especially solar) were not properly set. Therefore, it is a good point for the Philippines to discuss them soundly, soundly means with the aim of forging a future that enables the country to install GWs of RE in the coming decade rather than bargaining on coal.
    Some ways of getting insights of the real cost is that public owned companies such as PNOC-RC ventures in all the technologies so that the regulator gets prime access to the economics of the different energies
